Ellie Turner 2020 Australian CrossFit Championship Top 10 Event Finishes

FlaggerAn iconic Australian beach sport. The beach flag event will be a process of elimination to determine the winner. 5th-
Lolly Legs2KM Bike Erg
30 Single Arm DB clean and split jerks(42.5KG / 32.5KG)
4 Rounds
400M Assault Runner
3 Rope Climbs
7 Snatch (85kg / 60KG)
5thCAP + 192
Enter Sandman30/20/10 Ski Erg Cals
9 Sandbag ground to overhead
1 Sandbag Front Carry
High FiveFor Time

500M Row
50 DB Deadlifts (35KG/25KG)
50 DB Thrusters (35KG/25KG)
Pedal + Pray40 Cal Assault Bike
20 Burpee Box Overs
30 Cal Assault Bike
20 Burpee Box Overs
20 Cal Assault Bike
20 Burpee Box Overs
Hasta La Vista3 Rope Climbs
60 Pullups
9 Overhead Sqauts (90KG / 65 KG)